More advantageous fees for the designation of the European Union by International Trademark
New official fees set by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) came into force on October 12, 2023 20 October 2023The World Intellectual Property Organisation has recently reduced the amount of the official fees for the designation of the European Union within an international trademark registration.
This cost reduction is particularly advantageous for non-European owners. For those who have their residence or domicile within the European Union, however, the advantage should be assessed according to the filing strategy.
The fee reduction, in fact, makes the designation of the EU within an international registration (rather than as a direct filing) certainly economically advantageous, but only to the extent that other States are also designated through the same international registration.
Moreover, the longer timeframes for examining the application through the international procedure remain unchanged.
For these reasons, the designation of the European Union by means of an International Trademark, despite the reduced fees, may not always be the most strategic choice if you can act directly before the European Trademark Office (EUIPO).
We are at your disposal to analyse the most suitable solution for your needs on a case-by-case basis.