Class 1 |
Foodstuffs. |
Class 2 |
Articles of clothing and haberdashery. |
Class 3 |
Travel goods, cases, parasols and personal belongings, not elsewhere specified. |
Class 4 |
Brushware. |
Class 5 |
Textile piecegoods, artificial and natural sheet material. |
Class 6 |
Furnishing. |
Class 7 |
Household goods, not elsewhere specified. |
Class 8 |
Tools and hardware. |
Class 9 |
Packages and containers for the transport or handling of goods. |
Class 10 |
Clocks and watches and other measuring instruments, checking and signalling instruments. |
Class 11 |
Articles of adornment. |
Class 12 |
Means of transport or hoisting. |
Class 13 |
Equipment for production, distribution or transformation of electricity. |
Class 14 |
Recording, communication or information retrieval equipment. |
Class 15 |
Machines, not elsewhere specified. |
Class 16 |
Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus. |
Class 17 |
Musical instruments. |
Class 18 |
Printing and office machinery. |
Class 19 |
Stationery and office equipment, artists' and teaching materials. |
Class 20 |
Sales and advertising equipment, signs. |
Class 21 |
Games, toys, tents and sports goods. |
Class 22 |
Arms, pyrotechnic articles, articles for hunting, fishing and pest killing. |
Class 23 |
Fluid distribution equipment, sanitary, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, solid fuel. |
Class 24 |
Medical and laboratory equipment. |
Class 25 |
Building units and construction elements. |
Class 26 |
Lighting apparatus. |
Class 27 |
Tobacco and smokers' supplies. |
Class 28 |
Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, toilet articles and apparatus. |
Class 29 |
Devices and equipment against fire hazards, for accident prevention and for rescue. |
Class 30 |
Articles for the care and handling of animals. |
Class 31 |
Machines and appliances for preparing food or drink, not elsewhere specified. |
Class 99 |
Miscellaneous. |