

GLP ranked the first professional firm worldwide for its filings of Community Designs

2 October 2007

The international magazine "World TRADEMARK REVIEW" (Issue No. 9, 2007) published the enclosed article "Loved but underused", which summarizes a statistic by the European Office for Community Trademarks and Designs.
The article shows that GLP was ranked the first professional firm worldwide for its filings of Community Designs.
This highly remarkable achievement reflects a work that was started many years ago and that has aimed at awakening the market and the clients to the use of this right, which has an international flavour and entails uncountable advantages such as, for instance, to offer a uniform protection throughout the EU territory, to allow customs seizures throughout the EU territory, to be an IP right that may go alongside the patent protection and, sometimes, to substitute for it at remarkably lower costs.

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