

Italy ranks Third among EU countries for EU Trademark applications

New report Eurostat on EU Trademark applications received by EUIPO in 2015 28 April 2016

Eurostat issued a new press release on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day celebrated on the 26th of April, providing new data on the number and geographical distribution of EU Trademark applications received in 2015. The report shows that the number of such applications has contantly risen, and is now about four times higher than that of the mid-1990s.

In 2015 over 130,000 EU Trademark applications were received, 70% of which were made by EU Member States. Across the EU, the first Member State in terms of applications was Germany (with 12,527 applications or 14%), followed at distance by the United Kingdom (12,527 or 14%), Italy (9,941 or 11%), Spain (9,406, or 11%), France (7,907, or 9%), the Netherlands (4,534 or 5%) and Poland (3,665 or 4%).

The highest number of TM applications made to the EUIPO from outside the EU came from the United States (16,881), ahead of China (4,153), Switzerland (3,997), Japan (2,593) and South Korea (2,038).

Eurostat press release.


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