

New OECD-EUIPO Report on the economic impact of trade in counterfeit goods

Trade in counterfeit goods has reached half a trillion dollars on a global scale 21 April 2016

A new joint report by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and OECD called 'Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods: Mapping the Economic Impact' has recently been presented in Paris. The report focuses on the economic impact of counterfeit and pirated goods on international trade.

The analysis highlights that trade in counterfeit and fake products in 2013 accounted for 2.5% of global imports worldwide (for a value of USD 461 billion). The situation is even more alarming when considering Europe: in 2013 the business of counterfeit goods in the European Union accounted for 5% of total imports (€ 85 billion). Such data confirm that this trend has increased, considering that a previous report by OECD published in 2009 estimated that trade in counterfeit goods represented 1,9% of global imports (€ 85 billion).

Moreover, according to the report, 15% of counterfeit goods which are traded globally infringe the IP rights of Italian trademarks holders. “Made in Italy” brands are in fact the most affected by the phenomenon of counterfeit goods trade, with Italy ranking as the second country that is hardest hit after the US.


The report analysed nearly half a million customs seizures around the world over 2011-13 to produce the most rigorous estimate to date of the scale of counterfeit trade. “The findings of this new report contradict the image that counterfeiters only hurt big companies and luxury goods manufacturers. They take advantage of our trust in trademarks and brand names to undermine economies” said OECD Deputy Secretary-General Doug Frantz, launching the report with EUIPO Executive Director António Campinos.

Mapping the Economic impact


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